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The Spirit Life Ministries Leadership Institute exists for the purpose of helping the local church to mature and disciple Christians.

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What Is Leadership Institute (LI)?

Spirit Life Leadership Institute provides a unique opportunity for students to complete the academic requirements for credentials with the International Pentecostal Holiness Church (IPHC). The Conference Office, through our Leadership Institute (LI), has been providing a solid in-classroom training experience since 2002. However, we have adopted a new platform since the onset of Covid-19 for capturing your educational requirements for credentials. Spirit Life Leadership Institute now offers two options for learning depending on your God-given calling and desires. The first level of ministerial licensing students may obtain is our Local Church License (LCL). Our LCL is a fully online course that gives those seeking to work within their local churches the knowledge and confidence to disciple and train others through God's Word. Our second and third-year programs of study are for those individuals who feel a specific call to ministry in a pastoral or leadership capacity. 

Our History

The Leadership Institute exists to help fulfill the Biblical mandate of 2 Timothy 2:15, “Work hard so you can present yourself to God and receive his approval. Be a good worker, one who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly explains the word of truth” (NLT). The Spirit Life Conference desires to help you reach your full potential, whether growing deeper spiritually or fulfilling your call to ministry. If you are interested in obtaining a ministerial credential or learning more about God’s Word and work, this program may be for you. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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Why Choose SLM Leadership Institute


SLM Leadership Institute

offers those wishing to receive their Local Church License the opportunity to complete classwork using an online platform.

Deepen Biblical Knowledge

If you are looking for a venue that will allow you to further your biblical training — even though you are not seeking ministerial credentials — Leadership Institute is the place for you! 


Leadership Institute students are eligible to receive college credit courses for their studies through Holmes Bible College 

Pathway To Credentials

For individuals who feel called to pursue their licenses, our Leadership Institute is for you! Our program is designed to provide 2nd and 3rd students with the knowledge necessary to complete credential with the IPHC

The Vision of SLM Leadership Institue

The Leadership Institute exists to help fulfill the Biblical mandate of 2 Timothy 2:15, “Work hard so you can present yourself to God and receive his approval. Be a good worker, one who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly explains the word of truth” (NLT). The Spirit Life Conference desires to help you reach your full potential, whether growing deeper spiritually or fulfilling your call to ministry. If you are interested in obtaining a ministerial credential or learning more about God’s Word and work, this program may be for you. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Reverend Dr. Brent Lollis
Director of Leadership Institute



Course Schedules

Leadership Institute

Course Schedule


Application Information

Ministerial Application Information

and additional Resources. Please print, complete and return to the Conference office


Additional Resources

Leadership Institute Course Descriptions and Calendar

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Tel: 864-243-2420
Fax: 864-243-2810


Spirit Life Ministries

115 Beech Springs Church Road
Pelzer, SC 29669

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